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There were four participants joining this experiment. They were given the same task with free amount of time and choice to choose location and medium to complete the task without supervisor. It’s a researching task with 4 questions and they were allowed to choose their own medium. All of them chose to work on a computer. After they finish the task, Their understanding of the task and their process (by checking tabs) are checked after they finished. Interviews on both the task and their normal working process were also conducted.

Task topic: Niche Market

Identities of participants are kept anonymous. Each of them is named after their occupation. Unfortunately, the media artist refused to have an introduction on the site.

He is a 20-year-old Vietnamese. He is doing Bachelor in computer science and also working for a computer tech start-up in Wollongong. He is the programmer.

He is 24, doing a Master degree in Logistics. He enjoys Maths and he used to work for a year in a marketing department. He is the marketer.

Helen is 22, she is doing an English course at UOW College to prepare to go to uni. Because she only needs book when studying, she always keep her phone beside. She is the language learner.

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